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Pulmonary Care


Pulmonary Care Done Differently

We are pleased that you have chosen The Chattanooga Sleep Center for your pulmonary care. Dr. Smith treats a variety of pulmonary disorders including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, bronchitis, and emphysema. Before treatment begins, Dr. Smith will perform a PFT, or pulmonary function test,which is a broad range of tests that measure how well the lungs take in and exhale air and how efficiently they transfer oxygen into the blood. We believe that the key to proper treatment is proper diagnosis.

Schedule A Pulmonary Function Test

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I need to prepare for my testing?

    • Attempt to arrive rested
    • Eat or drink only a modest amount that will not restrict your maximal breathing efforts.
    • Check with your physician about the use of inhalers or other bronchodilator medications prior to your test. Some tests require you to abstain from these medications for several hours before testing begins for the most accurate results.

    The nature of the testing ordered will dictate any preparation required for your testing session. The ordering nurse from your physician's office is given the instructions for any special requirements associated with your tests. Ask about any specific requirements.

  • What will the testing session be like?

    You will be seated in a specially designed testing chamber for your session and be given very specific instructions to perform during the test. Many of the breathing maneuvers will require your maximum effort. You will be required to blow out as hard and fast as you can for 10 seconds. You may be required to hold your breath for 10 seconds. Most tests require that they be repeated several times to assure maximum accuracy. The therapist will be there continuously to assist you during the procedure.

  • Why would I need this test?

    The test is performed to diagnose certain types of lung disease (especially asthma, bronchitis, and emphysema), determine the cause of shortness of breath, or measure whether occupational exposure to contaminants affects lung function. It can also be used after the administration of medications to assess their effect and measure progress in disease treatment.

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